The lab rules

My favorite subject in the university is "Laboratorio de Química Orgánica". I like it because in the laboratory we put all the theory into the practice. In the laboratory of the faculty, we have all the implements and instruments to do the chemical reactions that we study in the other subjects. For example, we set up distillation equipment when we want to separate different elements with different boiling points. Doing this kind of experiment and to see what happens in the practice is amazing. When we work at the laboratory, we use the physical properties that may have de reactant to proceed with the reaction and to accomplish the objective of synthetizing the product that we want. Generally, we have about 15 minutes of theory and then all the rest of the class is pure practice. I like a lot this modality, because we -the students- are encouraged to make the reactions happen, applying what we have learn in other subjects. A lot of people are there to teach and guide us. There are professors, the professor’s assistants, the student that are assistants and the technicians. All of them support our work in the laboratory, telling if we are doing it well or wrong, or if one step of the reaction is missing. They also answer all the questions we may have. I think is a great way to learn and developpe scientific abilities.


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